Tips for Decluttering your Home

We are all familiar with the motto tidy house, tidy mind. It’s well known that living a clutter-free life can lead to increased happiness along with improved mental and physical well-being. Here are some tips to help to remove items and the associated feeling of chaos, to instead leave space for the things that truly matter.

  1. Set a Goal

    Before you start decluttering, set a specific and achievable goal. Ask yourself why you wish to do this and what you would like to achieve. Identify which areas or rooms you want to tackle first and establish a timeline for completion. Having clear goals will keep you motivated and focused throughout the process.

  2. Start Small

    Decluttering an entire home can be overwhelming, so begin with a small and manageable area, perhaps one that you especially love like a book shelf or jewellery drawer. Rather than dedicating an entire day to it, simply spend 10 minutes and come back to it when you are ready. Accomplishing a smaller task will give you a huge sense of achievement and make the overall process feel far less daunting.

  3. Make it more Enjoyable

    Listen to a podcast or your favourite playlist at the same time. Reward yourself with a glass of wine and a break to watch your favourite show. Remember to take a before and after photo so that you can see how far you have come! No doubt that seeing the visual progress will be highly motivating and satisfying!

  4. Be Honest with Yourself

    When deciding what to keep and what to let go of, be honest with yourself. Ask questions like, "have I used this in the past year?" or "does this item bring me joy?". If you haven't used or appreciated it recently, it might be time to part ways. If you are torn about whether to let an item go, put it aside and see if you need it over the next few weeks. If you do, great - keep it! If not, you can confidently say goodbye.

  5. Maximise your Storage Space

    Invest in storage solutions that help you keep items organized and out of sight. Utilise shelves, cabinets, baskets, and drawer dividers to make the most of your space.

  6. Adopt the Seasonal Rule

    Every three months, have a rummage through your home and remove anything that is no longer serving you or taking up unnecessary space. I have found this rule really helps to keep on top of things and is a good habit to create a balanced and clutter-free home over time.

Below are a few of my favourite go to storage pieces which are available in lots of different sizes. Enjoy!

Transparent storage box

Transparent box, MUJI.

Felt storage trays

Felt storage trays, HM HOME.

Foldable laundry basket

Foldable laundry basket, Zara Home.

Weave storage basket

Weaved storage basket, HM Home.


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